Addressing our Capital Improvement Needs
Friends in Faith at the Ministry of St. Paul's Lutheran:
What an exciting time to be connected to St. Paul's in Perham. In 2025 our church will be celebrating 150 years in ministry, and our school will enter its 115th academic year. What milestones! Over the years, our faith family has been moved to regularly receive God's gifts and grace in our Savior Jesus and to respond by ministering to the Perham community and beyond. Thank you for being a faithful part of this ministry.
Our membership has recently approved steps moving us toward a more permanent expansion for our school ministry. The Upper Wing portable classrooms have served us since the Fall of 2018. Growing needs are paving the way for a permanent structure to continue serving students in a quality space. A feasibility study is currently underway for the Summer of 2024, with the goal of initiating a campaign in the Fall. Please view our current "case statement" for the latest on the project and its purpose. Check back for updates, especially when the campaign is in full swing.
Over the course of our nearly 150 years a lot has changed: faces, community makeup, family schedules, avenues for witnessing. The area of education is no different. However, one thing remains constant. The forgiving love God has for us in Jesus Christ is a guarantee, because He died and rose. Join us in prayer as we continue to share an unchanging message to a constantly changing world.
In our Savior Jesus,
Andrew Ratcliffe, pastor