The mission of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church:
To bring the saving Word of God to all people while sharing the love of Jesus.
The mission of St. Paul’s School:
Impacting lives forever spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially with the love of Jesus.
This congregation acknowledges and accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the revealed and inerrant Word of God, verbally inspired, and submits to them as the only infallible authority in all matters of faith and life.
Our church’s facilities were provided through God’s benevolence and by the sacrificial generosity of church members. The church desires that its facilities always be used to God’s glory.
Although the facilities are not generally open to the public, we make our facilities available to approved non-member persons and groups as a witness to our faith, in a spirit of Christian charity, and as a means of demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in practice.
Members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church make diligent use of the means of grace, exercise faithful stewardship of God’s many gifts and talents and are readily available for service in the kingdom of Christ within and beyond the congregation.
If you are interested in learning more about St. Paul's Lutheran Church & School, please email churchoffice@stpaulsperham.org to set up an appointment with Pastor Ratcliffe or a member of the Board of Elders.